"I'm so creatively right brained... I lean!"

February 2, 2011

Put Your Finger On This Art!

Teeny Tiny Thing
R . I . N . G . S
Find Out More About Tiny Thing Rings at WonderWorks

My latest inspiration exploded in a new form. Tiny sculpted things, nestled in 1" silver bezeled rings... just loved making these. Statement rings have taken Etsy by storm and I was drawn. I wanted one. So as usual, made my own to share. Now I'm all up in the cocktail ring mix. No better place to display those tiny things I love to make ...

Put your finger on this art!


3D Green Tree

Butterfly Party

Cutie Fruit


  1. Wow, I don't know how you can work with pieces that small.

  2. Thanks for your kind comment, Melody. :D

    It takes alot of practice and, I just love the challenge of working very small. My rings are not made from little plastic things assembled and glued atop a ring base. I make all of the pieces. Each tiny part is individually handsculpted from clay and then carefully arrange to fit the bezel. ~angee

  3. These rings are super cute! My fav is the fruit basket one.

  4. Thanks Sparkle! Check out my latest rings...they have a bit of sparkle too! :) Off to check out your blog.
